Advertising Champions with Bernard Falkoff of Copperhead Creative Strategic Consulting

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On Advertising Champions, our host Tony Stanol interviews bright and engaging members of the digital advertising and media community. On this segment, Tony speaks with Bernard Falkoff of Copperhead Creative Strategic Consulting.

Copperhead Creative is a content marketing consultancy that develops a wide range of digital media content—from web and social-media sites, to blogs and enewsletters.

Additionally, Copperhead Creative offers strategic consulting, advertising and marketing copywriting, public relations media plans and materials, as well as technical content for virtually every B2B, B2C, high-tech and pharmaceutical target audience across all traditional and innovative media.

How do you define success?

My professional success is based on each client’s strategic and long-term goals for each project and brand.
I have been extremely fortune to have achieved (and been blessed with) a career that has given me personal satisfaction and a life well lived.

How did you get started in your field or work?

Writing articles on video and computers for a now defunct newspaper.

What’s one thing we should know that makes your company unique?

The perspective that only comes from continually learning how past work for all our clients, across all kinds of industries and over 150 different brands, can be used to help current clients to achieve their goals and definitions of success.

What was the biggest obstacle you had to overcome in your business?Unfortunately, the biggest obstacle has yet to be overcome, and probably won’t be in our current climate.
I’m speaking of more than age discrimination. I call it age devaluation. The inability of agencies to value, exploit and empower their entire organization with the experience, perspective and wisdom that is only achieved through a long life.

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